they burst into gales of laughter. I had no idea of what they had in mind, but I did hear Doris say, "If we can make it work out right, it will be the perfect revenge on him. With the proper build-up, I'm sure we can get them together, and then let Nature take its course. We're pretty sure about Butch, and our transformed Joannie will have to do whatever we tell him/her to do."

Now that my disguise was complete, we all piled into the cars and went back the few miles of my highschool where the weekend festivities would be getting into full swing. All the way back Mary and Doris kept emphasizing to me the awful things that would happen to me if I blew my cover, failed in my transvetite impersonation, and tried to blame any of it on them. To the few girls who were already aware of my brother-sister deception, I was to claim that I was voluntarily continuing the role of feminine deception. To all others, I was a sexy, show-off girl, probably my sister, Joan. And wope betide me if I let anyone discover the truth.

There were still hundred of people, mostly kids and students, milling around the highschool when we got there. As I was turned loose to fend for myself under these terrible humiliating and dangerous conditions, I found that one or more of my girl captors was always closeby to make sure I behaved myself as ordered, and to alert the others if danger seemed imminent.

I soon encountered one of Joan's friends who had helped in the original deception involving the tennis match. She looked at me oddly and then said, "We've been looking for you, John. What happened? How come you're all dressed up like that, and not back in your regular male clothes?"

I was very much aware that Doris was standing right behind me so I replied, "I sort of like dressing up like this, so I thought I'd keep it up for a while."

The girl glanced at me disapprovingly and said, "Doing it for the tennis match is one thing, John. But now you've gone overboard in your female impersonation. Did you have to go THAT far to satisfy whatever urges you have in that direction? Maybe having a twin-sister isn't healthy for you? What will Joan think when she sees you?"

How is her

"By the way, how is Joan? ankle?" I asked eagerly, glad to change the subject from my bizarre appearance.

"Her ankle's broken, and they have it

in a cast. She'll be home this evening, but she'll be on crutches for a couple of months," answered Joan's friend slowly. But I think that the way you're behaving is going to be more of a shock to her, and to all of us, than her broken ankle. I'm surprised and disappointed to find you're THAT kind of a fellow."

I heard a snicker of amusement from Doris behind me, and I had to turn and walk away from Joan's friend. To have tried to explain my real predicament would only have made things much worse for me. I was about ready to die of shame when I heard Doris whisper threateningly, "Stick out your chest, Joannie, and wiggle your bottom very sexily. Remember you're meant to be showing off your real self for all the girls to envy and for all the fellows to whistle at. Strut your stuff, Joannie, or we'll make things really hot for you around here."

As I continued to circulate around the school, I couldn't help noticing how